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Table hold time

Try a useful in-house table management feature.

Jelena R. avatar
Written by Jelena R.
Updated over 8 months ago

Table hold time feature can help hosts and staff view and manage current table availability and upcoming reservations.

IMPORTANT: This feature doesn't affect timeslot availability for online reservations.

Existing Hostme accounts will reflect their current table turnover settings.
New Hostme accounts have a 90-minute default table hold time.

You can adjust it accordingly in Admin panel -> Settings -> Floor rules.


Your table turnover is 120 minutes and there's an upcoming reservation at 18:00/6 PM.

Without this feature the table would be held for reservation by default - 120 minutes (the turnover time).
The system assumes that if you seat a party at 17:00/5 PM they will stay for two hours causing the reservations to overlap or lead to overbooking.

With table hold time, you can manually adjust how long the table can be held for. Therefore, hosts will have a better overview of currently available tables for different parties - especially walk-ins.

Your table turnover is 120 minutes and there's an upcoming reservation at 18:00/6 PM but table hold time is 30 minutes.

You have a walk-in party at 17:00/5 PM. Small clock icon on green-colored table indicates table hold time for upcoming reservation.

In our example, the system will let us add a new reservation/walk-in to table D-9 automatically assigning a 60-minute turnover.

Make sure to adjust table hold time to work for you and improve your staff efficiency and table management in general.

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