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General Settings
Marylise Fabro avatar
Written by Marylise Fabro
Updated over 9 months ago

There are 6 sections under "Settings" to set up your restaurant.

1 - My User Account

This is where you select your user name, see which email address is associated

with your account, your phone number.
This is also where you can change your password or completely log out of your account.

2 - Language

On this screen, you select the language for all communication with your guests

as well as the language for the Hostme app used by your staff.

3 - About restaurant

On this page, you can edit your restaurant information such as restaurant's name, address, and phone number.
The time zone will automatically be selected based on your address.
Here you will be able to find the account's ID (which sometimes needs to be provided to the Support team), as well as the option to enable/disable SMS being sent to customers.

4 - Interface adjustments

On this page, you can adjust the display for your staff.

  • Disable chat support => You can you let (or not) your staff contact Hostme directly via chat for support

  • Skip confirmation dialog => Remove the confirmation boxes. This should be enabled only with seasoned staff as it gives less room for human errors.
    Walk-ins quick booking => Seat walking in few click and skip the step recording party size, name, etc.

  • Skip group size step => This allows you to skip the step where the host enters how many guests are in a party.

  • Enable New card design and decide on the type of note that will be displayed in it

  • Host Panel Modules => In this section, you can hide specific panels to your staff if not using it.

5 - Payment options

This is where you can connect your Stripe account and enable certain reservation and delivery/pick up payment options.

6 - Floor rules

Floor rules are split into 3 sections.

Default turnover: For each party size, you can define the average length they usually stay at your place.
You can click on "Add New" to add default turnover durations by party size.

Default table hold time: For each party size, you can define the average length of table holding prior to the next reservation.
You can click on "Add New" to add default table holding durations by party size.

Pre-seating statuses: You can create different statuses to better track arriving parties.
Click on "Add new" if you want to create more pre-seating statuses.

Custom tables statuses: Once a party is seated, you can change statuses as the meal progresses. If you have an integration with Lightspeed, Lighspeed can automatically update some of them.
You can click on "Add new" to create additional statuses.

7 - Notifications

On this page, you can subscribe to push notifications and set up which action will trigger a sound on the tablet.

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