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How to set up your waitlist
Jelena Curcic avatar
Written by Jelena Curcic
Updated over 9 months ago

In order to set up the Waitlist feature for your restaurant, go to the Admin panel and click on Waitlist.

You should decide whether you want to enable the following options:

  • Call table automatically - Automatically call customers by sending an SMS when the table is assigned to a waitlisted party.

  • Table auto-assignment - If the setting is switched on, the Hostme algorithm will always assign the most optimal table in the preferred area. It can always be changed for a particular party.
    If switched off, the host will be required to decide where to seat each new guest party.

  • Average wait time timeframe - Set the default waiting time until the system starts to predict.

  • Estimated wait-time calculation method

You can choose between two options:

  1. Based on table availability - Based on the estimated availability of tables which will require assigning tables.

  2. Average wait time - Average waiting time for a group of the same size during a shift.

  • Show special requests in waitlist party creation workflow - The system will offer additional options when adding a group to a waitlist

  • Adjust expected wait time automatically when a table is assigned - system will calculate wait time itself no matter what host quotes when adding someone to the waitlist

When it comes to setting up waitlist widget, that can be done by:

  • Enabling waitlist widget on Hostme Guest page

This is what the widget looks like:

  • Enabling waitlist widget on your own website (you need to copy and paste HTML code to your website)

  • Enabling kiosk mode (usually used on tablets placed near the restaurant's entrance, so customers can add themselves to the waitlist)

This is what the Kiosk mode looks like:

  • Enabling direct link to the waitlist page

This is what the direct link to the waitlist page looks like:

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