How to add or modify server sections
Marylise Fabro avatar
Written by Marylise Fabro
Updated over a week ago

To add Server Sections

To add a server section, go to the Server panel:

  • Click on the create a new section icon

  • Enter the name of the new section you want to create

  • Select the table tab at the bottom and select the tables for that new section

  • Confirm by clicking on the orange checkmark

To modify server zones (easy)

Go to the server panel and select the section to modify in the dropdown box

  • Click on the tables to add or to remove them from that section

  • Confirm the change by selecting "Confirm" on the right-hand side

  • The "Confirm" button is on the right below the section name

To modify server sections (comprehensive)

Go to the server panel and select the section to modify in the dropdown box

Select Edit under the section name

Edit the section name

  • At the bottom of that screen, select the table list on the right to modify the tables in that section.

  • Click on the table to add them or remove them from the section

  • Confirm by clicking the orange checkmark on the top right of the screen

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