In order to add modifiers to Online ordering menus, go to Admin panel -> Ordering & Menu -> Modifiers.
Then, follow these steps:
Click on the arrow in order to access modifier settings
Here you can:
Rename the modifier
Choose between two types of modifiers:
In case you choose this type of modifier, you will also be able to select the multi-select option, as well as to add as many options as you want.
Link modifier to Categories
Click on the plus sign if you wish to link the modifier to some of these categories.
Link modifier to Products
Click on the arrow to choose the category first
Then, click on the plus sign if you wish to link modifier to some of these products.
Example of a successfully set up modifier
This is what you will see when making a new order
with Type -> Options enabled
with Type -> Note enabled
This is what your customers will see when making a new online order
with Type -> Options enabled
with Type -> Note enabled
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