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Manual approval and recommended settings

How to enable manual approval of online reservations

Jelena R. avatar
Written by Jelena R.
Updated over 9 months ago

Online reservations can be managed with Manual approval mode.

To enable manual approval, go to Admin panel -> Reservations -> Online reservations tab.

There are three modes:

1. None (default). All online reservations will be automatically confirmed.

2. Manual approval. In Reservations panel, a reservation must be approved manually in To Approve tab by host before being confirmed to the guest.
Depending on host selecting Review or Reject button on the right sidebar of each reservation, guest will be notified. The reservation will be moved to Approved tab.

3. Review. Approval is not required. New reservation notification in Reservations panel will stay under New Online tab until it has been opened by host. Once opened by clicking or tapping, it will be moved and displayed in Reservations tab. No further action is needed from host.

Recommended settings for Manual approval

If minimum and maximum party size is set as 1-10

while maximum number of guests for auto approval is set to 2,

the system will allow a party of 1 or 2 to be approved automatically.

Parties that have 3-10 guests will be sent to the Approval required tab for manual approval.

To have all reservations manually approved, the recommended setting is 1.

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